Mavens Master More

 MMM Services s.r.o., service provider in Drug Regulatory Affairs and more!

We love our work – an important prerequisite for quality!

Drug Regulatory Affairs is our core competency. Regardless of whether it is a new registration, lifecycle management, expertises, technical writing of CMC, or a compliance check, you will find a trustworthy partner with us.

Safety is of paramount importance in our work. Safety measures are carried out on a risk-free basis so that costs and security remain under control. With risk management, you can avoid resource-destroying measures!

We are committed to our customers. The obligation does not apply exclusively to the performance, deadline and costs, but also to the recognition of customer requirements. Product and service design, performance plan and performance packages are instrumentalised applications, with which we can avoid unwanted side effects.

We want to find out what challenges our customers face, and what needs and wishes these customers have in the medium and longer term. These are the central themes that preserve our agility.

With us, you will receive registration dossiers, schedules, deadlines and comprehensive information! This will keep you on the road. Our solution is named MMM DRA-serv.

We have technical structures that make it easier for us to communicate and conduct business on a daily basis. With your direct server access via MMM DRA-serv, you will have access to eCTD-docuBridge, DRA-Tracking Database, CEP-Monitoring, DRA-Information Server, DRA Strategic Agility, and to the exact project status in the PM-Tool. Our Document Exchange Server is available to all customers and partners for the fast and secure delivery of sensitive data.

Drug Regulatory Affairs specialists will quickly find valuable information with us. SIS stands for DRA Strategy Information Server, an excellent tool also for the management. It is even faster with your personal Key-Facts Sheet.

The fastest way to Switzerland is via Materia Medica Maibach AG. With us, you will find experience and know-how, an ear open for your concerns and strategies, an uncomplicated initialisation of your project, a goal-oriented approach and, if necessary, the required wholesale licence.

But what exactly do you need? A perfect package that will take you further! We will create the right package for you, with defined performance features, a sensible product mix, and additional add-on Services.

DRA ServicesProductsEnterprise
New registration MMM DRA-serv Quality and Safety
Lifecycle Management DRA-Analytic Tools Company
Expertise Compliance Management Partner
Technical writing eCTD Approval MMM DRA-serv Test-Login
Medical writing eCTD Viewer VIP-Login
DRA Compliance eCTD Joint use Jobs
Product and Service Design eCTD Partial use Downloads
Performance plan Wholesale licence Contact
Performance packages Qualified Person Disclaimer


Sustainability and value added

Address Phone Map

MMM Services s.r.o.
Plzeňská 3350/18
150 00  Praha 5
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+420 225 233 323
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